Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"Come, and you will see" (cf. John 1:39)

I absolutely love the section about gathering information about how new parishioners have found their way to us!  I keep wondering how we could find a creative way to do this?  I know that we have many new families that have joined us within the past year or so and perhaps they would like to tell their story.  I think it would inspire new parishioners to talk about how their faith works for them (Page 75) and create/foster new friendships/relationships, give parishioners a chance to share their personal stories, etc.  We have such an established sense of community, this could be a way for everyone to bond with new parishioners at the start so they feel it right away.  Would the newsletter be the appropriate forum to do this?  How about a 'new family' exhibit in the hallway?  Please share your thoughts!  

1 comment:

  1. from a parishioner...

    I have just finished reading "Rebuilt". I thought it was great! What stood out most for me was the "fire" in the people - the sense of excitement about being together in the act of building "church". This is similar to the fire in the apostles as described in "Acts of the Apostles". I think what lights that fire is the personal experience of Jesus alive in each one of us, and that group of people clearly had experienced the risen Christ living in and among them.

    God bless you.
